E-Books & Whitepapers
![E-book image](https://content360.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/e-book-1209040_1920-1024x683.jpg)
What are E-books & White papers?
This content covers specific topics & industry information at length. They are more in-depth than your normal blog posts making them ideal lead generating magnets and at the same time develops your brands thought leadership. They should be packed with useful information and value-added content.
Why consider E-books & white papers as part of your content?
They are lead generating engines. By offering these on your website, you will be able to collect valuable information from interested prospects such as their name, email address etc. and grow your existing database and in return they receive your content.
Content 360 will support you through every phase of your content development.
We will –
- brainstorm
- research
- write, edit and design
any pieces for your website. Alternatively we can re purpose an existing piece of content as a lead magnet.